Ne enem od starih dreves sveta
sedi veverica
in gloda najslajši oreh sveta –
edini oreh, ki ga ima.
sedi veverica
in gloda najslajši oreh sveta –
edini oreh, ki ga ima.
Na enem od starih dreves sveta
sedi veverica
in se z najlepšim repom pahlja –
z edinim repom, ki ga ima.
Na enem od starih dreves sveta
sedi veverica,
sama, majhna, najlepša –
edina, kar staro drevo ima.
(Neža Maurer/Veverica)

Nežina veverička je sama, samcata,
moji veverički pa delata družbo ježek in polžek.
Druščino sem položila v žepek darilne vrečke,
obložen z jesenskim listjem,
da jim bo mehko in toplo.

V darilno vrečko sem dodala knjižno kazalo in cel kup namigov za lepši vsakdan.
Pozornost sem izdelala za prijateljico,
ki tako zelo rada ustvarja,
vse skupaj pa zaznamuje črka j -
tokrat bomo namreč v Veseli hiški ustvarjali na črko J.
Gotovo ste že videli novo Tinino jesenko zimsko kolekcijo.
V Veseli hiški smo nad njo naravnost navdušene.
V Veseli hiški smo nad njo naravnost navdušene.
Tina, iz
za navdih in hvala za darilni bon,
s katerim smo si stanovalke Vesele hiške
izbrale nekaj novega iz tvoje trgovinice Najlepši par.
s katerim smo si stanovalke Vesele hiške
izbrale nekaj novega iz tvoje trgovinice Najlepši par.
S pomočjo našega izziva pa se lahko tvojim ustvarjalnim igračkam pridružijo novi Tinini izdelki,
ki jih lahko prejmeš s pomočjo darilnega bona.
Tega bo TINA podarila naključni zmagovalki.
Pogoj je, da sodeluješ s svojim izdelkom ter s komentarjem.
Takole je na črko J ustvarjala Tina ...
Takole pa sem ustvarjala jaz ...
Uporabila sem naslednje Tinine izdelke ...
Nekaj novega in nekaj že preizkušenega iz Najlepšega para.
V vrečko sem tako lepo zložila kazalo in kupončke,
komaj čakam, da jih predam naprej :)
Ustvarjalke Vesele hiške smo neizmerno uživale v igri z novimi izdelki
v želji, da vam predstavimo nekaj naših idej
ustvarjanja na črko J.
Upamo, da se nam pridružiš tudi ti :)
Želim ti mehko, božajočo in nasmejano jesen, Majda
Darilno vrečko z dodatki dodajam v:
galerijo Najlepšega para - poglej vse zgoraj omenjene izdelke ;)
Addicted for Stamps and more - birthday
Moving Along With the Times - autumn colours
Everybody-Art - Autumn leaves
Shopping Our Stash - I'm LEAF-ing It Up to You
Try It On Tuesday - Autumn Magic
Stamps & Fun - creativity - orange and brown
Time out - "As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see"
Fantastic!! I love everything about this card!! Way to go shopping your stash! Thanks for playing along with our “I’m leaf-ing it up to you” challenge over at Shopping Our Stash!! You rocked our challenge with all those die cuts all layered up creating a fantastic autumn scene!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDeb Horst, DT #SOS345
What a great work! I love the whole project! Those leaves and the colors you used are really great. And the squirrel and that little owl and snail are so cute. Great arrangement of all the different elements and that textured paper is so fabulous.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing your project with the current Everybody Art Challenge.
Hugs Uschi
Such a pretty design! Loving all those autumnal die cuts, and you layered them together so beautifully 😊. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Happy October ❤️. Hugs, Jo x
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow! This is really beautiful. So many little details to see. Thanks for joining us at S+F=C.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a fantastic creation!! So many wonderful elements and layers of Autumn colours and shapes. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Time Out Challenge! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFun projects and great products, too. Love those die cuts. Thanks for sharing your creations with us at Addicted to Stamps & More.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat an incredibly gorgeous autumnal set! Thanks for SHOPPING YOUR (leafy!) STASH with us this time!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAwesome project! I love your gorgeous Squirrel and snail. Thank you for joining us at Time Out Challenge:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a stunning project ! I love every detail on it. I'm sure the recipients love their gift. Thanks so much for sharing and for playing at ATSM.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour project is absolutely wonderful. I love all the detail and it is a perfect Autumn themed make. For future reference, in order to qualify for the win, we allow linking to 5 challenge total, including ours. You can check out our challenge rules on the sidebar of our challenge blog. Thanks for sharing at time Out.
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovito jesensko ustvarjanje draga Majda!